Monday, October 24, 2011

Community Gardening Project

I have recently decided to apply for a grant to help fund a community garden project at my school and I can't seem to keep my mind off of it. ( I know all of my teacher friends can relate; your mind is never far from students, projects, lessons, assessments, etc. no matter what time of day or year it is!) I am super enthusiastic about this project but also very new to applying for grants. This will definitely be a learning process for me.

If any of you are familiar with Whole Foods, I suggest you take a peak at their community gardening project for yourself.  It seems to be a wonderful opportunity for schools and the community and Whole Foods is giving $2000 to 1000 schools across the country. Start one for your school!

So far, our team has come up with lots of ways to incorporate this into our curriculum and has also brainstormed many skills that our students can use in their future endeavors.  Because this is in the early stages of the project, our team is just collaborating on ideas and building dreams.  Here is a picture of a garden I am using for inspiration.  Isn't it beautiful?  I can just imagine our students tending the garden, eating warm tomatoes and serving the produce to locals.  Can't get much better than that!

As this project develops, I will keep you all updated with how it's going.  If any of you have thoughts or suggestions, please leave me some love in the comments spot.  Thanks!

Mrs. Valerie

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see how this unfolds. Walker is trying to get something going so this might be a good option. Perhaps once report cards are done, I can think about this. Only 30 to go. :(
